Test facilities

JAXA has a range of testing facilities essential for aeronautics, such as wind tunnels, research aircraft, aeroegine test facilities, composites test facilities and supercomputer. Some test facilities are available to external users.

Wind tunnels

Wind tunnels

Wind tunnels are fundamental tools for studying aerodynamics and fluid flow phenomena. JAXA has one of the largest cluster of wind tunnels in Japan, offering wide-ranged testing environments for aircraft and spacecraft.


Aeroengine test facilities

Aeroengine test facilities

Aeroengine test facilities are used to conduct ground tests of a jet engine’s constituent modules such as fans, compressors, and combustors in various conditions.


Flight test facilities

Flight test facilities

Flight demonstration is an integral process in the research and development of aerospace technologies. The validity and feasibility of newly developed technologies are preliminary examined and reviewed fully with a “flight simulator” on the ground, then demonstrated in the air through flight tests using “research aircraft” for final confirmation for practical applications.


Composites test facilities

Composites test facilities

We have an extensive range of facilities that enable diverse R&D on structures and advanced materials.




JAXA provides high-performance computing environments for advanced CFD.


Please refer to the New Enterprise Promotion Department of JAXA if you are interested in using these test facilities.