Research & Development

JAXA promotes three research and development programs and a fundamental research program that underpins them.

Fundamental researchStrategically supporting research and development activities with expertise in aeronautics

Through carrying out fundamental research into aerodynamics, engines, materials and structures, numerical analysis, and flight mechanics, JAXA Aviation supports diverse research and development activities in space and the sky from behind the scene.

Aviation Systems Research

Aviation Systems Research

We focus on designing future aviation and operation systems, as well as support starting-up R&D projects through project management and systems engineering methods.


Aerodynamics research

Aerodynamics research

We manage and operate a cluster of wind tunnels of various speed and sizes. Our R&D efforts include a range of research on aerodynamic technologies and wind tunnel technologies to provide higher-accuracy and higher-quality test data more efficiently.


Flight system research

Flight system research

We conduct wide-ranging research on flight system technologies that enhance safety and mission capability of aircraft, such flight control technology and pilot assist technology, thereby contributing to our society.


Propulsion research

Propulsion research

We develop and mature leading-edge technologies for aeroengines that enable further improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental compatibility. Our R&D efforts also include the development and demonstration of the state-of-the-art propulsion technologies, such as renewable energy technology and hypersonic propulsion technology.


Structures and advanced composite research

Structures and advanced composite research

We are taking a multifaceted approach in studying materials and structures. Our research and development activities ranges from the development of advanced composites, which are applicable for use in the extreme environments of ultra-low and ultra-high temperatures such as engine and spacecraft structures, to the studies on strength prediction methods, optimum structural design methods, aero-structural coupling (aeroelasticity) phenomena, molding technologies and measurement techniques. Our efforts also include the standardization related activities.


Numerical simulation research

Numerical simulation research

We conduct wide-ranging R&D activities, from the creation of high-value technologies, such as the unsteady fluid flow solver having world top class speed and a combustion simulation tool, to the social implementation of developed technologies by maturing them into a practical format such as numerical simulation software.


Exploratory research

Exploratory research

We conduct exploratory research to identify innovative seeds for future research and development programs.
Major research themes include hypersonic transport technology. With major focus on developing and demonstrating hypersonic propulsion system that can operate continuously from takeoff to Mach 5, our research and development on hypersonic transport technologies also include system analysis for hypersonic passenger aircraft, adrodynamic design, heat resistance design, and other important features.