Research & Development
JAXA promotes three research and development programs and a fundamental research program that underpins them.
Sky Green+Contributing to environment- and user-friendly sustainable air transport
"Sky Green+" program pursues sustainable air transport. "Green" stands for more environmental friendliness (more CO2 reduction, noise reduction), while "plus(+)" stands for user friendliness (more speed such as supersonic transport).
En-Core (Environmentally compatible core engine technology research) project
The En-Core Project aims at establishing core engine technologies that reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Major challenges include developing and demonstrating technologies for “Ultra-low NOx Lean Premixed Combustor” and “High-temperature, High-efficiency Turbine”.
Design and Analysis of Next generation Technologies for jet Engines (DANTE)
The R&D on the "Design and Analysis of Next generation Technologies for jet Engines (DANTE)” addresses four research themes which are performance of engine system, high-pressure compressor, noise reduction, and composite structure.
Airframe noise reduction technology
JAXA has been studying airframe noise reduction technologies, a large fraction of which comes from high-lift devices (flap and slat) and landing gears. Our R&D efforts include the FQUROH(Flight Demonstration of Quiet Technology to Reduce Noise from High-lift Configurations) project (FY2013-FY2018).
Innovative Green Aircraft Technology (iGreen)
To design airframes that have higher environmental performances, we launched a research project named "Innovative Green Aircraft Technology (iGreen)" in 2020. Making use of the findings from the R&D of "Eco-wing technology", the iGreen aims at developing a bunch of cutting-edge technologies on aerodynamics, aeroacoustics and structures, thereby enhancing competitive edges of Japanese aviation industry.
MEGAWATT project
JAXA is working on a technology demonstration project called MEGAWATT from FY2023, aiming to take an initiative on the era of passenger jet fleet with megawatt-class electric hybrid propulsion systems by integrating key technologies from Japanese industries.
Supersonic transport design technologies
Following the completion of the D-SEND project(FY2010-FY2015), which successfully demonstrated the validity of our unique sonic boom reduction technology in the form of flight test for the first time in the world, we are now working on integrated design technologies that satisfy multiple design requirements simultaneously — low noise during takeoff and landing and lighter airframes, in addition to low sonic boom and low drag.
High-speed rotary aircraft technology
We are studying a new type of compound helicopter technology aimed at drastically improved maximum flying speed (about 1.8 times) while maintaining the excellent hovering performance of a conventional helicopter.