Research & Development

JAXA promotes three research and development programs and a fundamental research program that underpins them.

Sky DXDriving digital transformation of the entire life cycle of aircraft

This program seeks to digitally transform the entire life cycle of aircraft, ranging from design, certification, manufacturing, operation, maintenance to end of life and recycling.

Aircraft life cycle DX technology

Aircraft life cycle DX technology

This program seeks to digitally transform the entire life cycle of aircraft, which consists of design, certification, production, operation, maintenance, end of life, and recycling.

JAXA’s strengths in numerical simulation and other analytical technology, as well as testing and measurement technologies are fully leveraged in this effort.


Aircraft Life Cycle DX Consortium “CHAIN-X”

Aircraft Life Cycle DX Consortium “CHAIN-X”

JAXA launched the “Aircraft Life Cycle DX Consortium” on June 17, 2022, in cooperation with government and industry partners.

The objectives of the Consortium are to strengthen the international competitiveness of Japan’s aviation industry and to foster the digital talents of the industry. The Consortium will set up DX Hubs to enable collaboration in cyberspace, where member can share best practices and demonstrate DX technologies combining the strengthens of each organizations.

The Consortium is named “CHAIN-X” (Comprehensive aviation innovation by digital transformation).