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JAXA and Russia's TsAGI Hold a Workshop on Aviation Technologies

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Russia's Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI, a member of the National Research Center “Zhukovsky Institute”) held a 2 day workshop on aeronautical technologies in Moscow, Russia, from November 28 to 29, 2018.

Participated by over 40 experts from both research centers, this was the first of its kind between the two organizations, and it was carried out as an initiative to exchange information and to enhance mutual understandings. The event was organized by TsAGI.

On November 28-29th, the two aeronautics organizations met to exchange information on aeronautical technologies.

“This workshop provided a valuable opportunity for our technical experts to get together to enhance mutual understanding of respective capabilities and approaches to tackle challenges faced by today's and future aviation and mobility”, said SANO Hisashi, Vice President of JAXA and Director General of Aviation Technology Directorate. “It was also a fantastic event to promote scientific exchanges and friendship between our researchers as part of “Russia-Japan cross cultural year of 2018”.”

On the first day, the workshop was held at TsAGI's headquarters in Zhukovsky. Participants from both organizations gave presentations on wind tunnel test technologies and aircraft structures. The workshop continued on day two at the Metropol Hotel Moscow, where participants continued their information exchange and discussions on issues such as flight safety, civil supersonic aircraft technologies/sonic boom, and helicopters.

“2018 is a very special year for TsAGI as on December 1st it celebrates its centenary. That is why we are especially glad to welcome our partners from JAXA here in Moscow. I hope that the workshop was fruitful for all the participants,” said Sergey Chernyshev, the Chief Scientific Officer for TsAGI and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. “I believe that the rising mutual interest of Russian and Japanese scientists in the field of aeronautics offers great opportunities to both our countries.”

(from left): Mikhail Zichenkov (Deputy General Director, Head of Strength Complex, TsAGI), Kirill Sypalo (Director General, TsAGI), SANO Hisashi (Vice President of JAXA and Director General of Aviation Technology Directorate), Sergey Chernyshev (Chief Scientific Officer, TsAGI), and MATSUO Yuichi(Senior Chief Officer of Fundamental Aeronautics, JAXA).

The workshop concluded with a bilateral discussion on technical areas of mutual interest and possible next steps for the development of future cooperation between TsAGI and JAXA.

December 14, 2018