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JAXA and Boeing sign collaboration agreement in the aviation field

JAXA and Boeing have signed a collaboration agreement to conduct aviation research. Prior to releasing the information on February 1, 2019, JAXA - Boeing high-level meeting was held in Seattle, USA, on January 31 (Local time), and active discussions were made to further enhance mutual partnership between the two organizations.

During the meeting, Steve Yahata (Vice President of Aeromechanics Technology, Boeing Research and Technology) and Hisashi Sano (Vice President of JAXA) exchanged ideas and views for strategic research cooperation, reaffirming the significance of the collaboration agreement between the two organizations.

(Left) Steve Yahata, Vice President of Aeromechanics Technology,
Boeing Research and Technology, and (Right) SANO Hisashi, Vice President of JAXA.

February 13, 2019