Research & Development

JAXA promotes three research and development programs and a fundamental research program that underpins them.

Numerical simulation technology

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"FaSTAR" wins JSASS Technology Award

JAXA's global-leading fluid dynamics analysis tool "FaSTAR" wins Technology Award by the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (JSASS).

Simulation is imperative for aerospace R&D. When we began developing FaSTAR (FaST Aerodynamic Routines) in 2008, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) took several hours for one case of a steady flow analysis, hence data productivity was not very high.

Therefore, we engaged in developing a high-speed, reliable and easy-to-use tool. FaSTAR improved the analysis performance by shortening the computation time to two minutes, compared to almost a day a few years back. The accuracy is also high enough to become a global-leading level.

FaSTAR is currently used by an airplane manufacturer under a license agreement, since the tool is regarded as basic technology that contributes to industrial competitiveness. In addition, FaSTAR is utilized for research and education in 26 universities and three technical junior colleges (as of June 2018). The award was given thanks to the high evaluation on technological values as well as its high impact on society.

An airplane simulation image using the FaSTAR

June 22,2018